NYO Ascent: Download the programme

Find out more about the music and the musicians.

Whether you are joining us at a performance, watching the live stream from the Barbican, or want to find out more about the music being performed and the musicians performing, you can download the programme for NYO Ascent below.


NYO Ascent features music by Strauss and Smetana plus a brand new work by Dani Howard, written especially for The National Youth Orchestra. Also called Ascent, Dani said about the piece:

“To me, there are not many things that create the feeling of anticipation more than hearing an orchestra tune. The sound of the oboe to start, the open strings, the fifths, and passages that we hear at random. This simple idea formed the basis for “Ascent” commissioned by The National Youth Orchestra for their brass and percussion sections. Un-conducted, the piece is led by the musicians, and requires a huge sense of communication between all of the individual sections. A theatrical piece as much as anything else, it has been a real joy to work on the music and movements with these fabulous young musicians over the course of their residency, and give them the opportunity to contribute to the work through their own improvisations, and movement.”

Come and see a new generation get behind the greatest orchestral music of all time at an NYO performance.