Give a young musician a free place at NYO Unite

Ignite a chain reaction of positive effects which could transform their life

Hundreds of young people are desperate to come to NYO Unite in October. It is our biggest gathering of the year, bringing together teenagers from the entire NYO community. Eager to share their passion for playing music with others, they will find belonging in a community of like-minded peers.  

Giving a teenager a free place at Unite in October will set off a chain reaction, unlocking ambition and confidence that will transform their lives.

This single day, playing incredible music together, can show a musician what’s possible, what they’re capable of – and create lasting connections with each other. 

Because of family finances or where they live or go to school, many young people don’t have the opportunity to discover how far music can build their confidence and transform their lives. And for some, NYO Unite will be their first opportunity to connect with others who love music as much as they do. 

It was my first feeling of belonging. I felt like a new person. It isn’t a temporary feeling. It’s a whole new world you carry through to the rest of your life.
14, Bassoon

£12 could cover the cost of one hour of incredible music-making, where a teenager can discover the joy of playing music with others. An experience which will stay with them for their whole life.

Make a donation

Start a chain reaction for a teenage musician today

The National Youth Orchestra is registered with the Fundraising Regulator. We value the generous support of our donors and follow the standards set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice to ensure that our fundraising is legal, open, honest and respectful.